50 Cent has been declared the winner in a recent legal battle regarding the inspiration for his popular Power series. A New York judge found that the STARZ show did not reference the plaintiff’s (Cory “Ghost” Holland Sr.) life. In true Fif fashion, the rapper jumped online on Saturday (Aug. 3), to share the news with fans. “Fool thought he was GHOST[excited emoji] da fvck wrong wit these [ninja emoji]’s man [emoji] LOL @bransoncognac @lecheminduroi.”
In 2021, Holland slapped Fif with the suit in question, along with a fellow executive producer, Courtney Kemp. Holland claimed the show was based on his real-life story as a former drug kingpin. Allegedly, Kemp’s father and Holland had a close relationship, stretching back to the 1990s. Holland believes this is how 50 Cent and Kemp created the show’s concept. He also accused the G-Unit mogul and his associates of bullying him and sending him death threats.
50 Cent Continues To Expand His Ever-growing EMPIRE
In other news, the East Coast legend is launching a new partnership with Lionsgate. The live channel will allow viewers to enjoy action, exclusive content, and popular movies and shows—all for free. “Excited to officially announce my brand new Live TV FAST Channel created in partnership with Lionsgate, 50 CENT ACTION. Sign up now to stay in the loop and get the latest updates. You won’t want to miss this! Tap the link in bio for more info,” he wrote in a recent Instagram post.
In June, the rapper also announced that he and his G-Unit brothers were coming together to help with housing access to residents in Shreveport, LA. KTAL reported that the rapper and G-unit will purchase nearly two dozen properties throughout the city. The goal is to bring a “vibrant community” back to downtown Shreveport. Fif went on Instagram to share his excitement and a clip of the news story of his upcoming projects: “Betting on me is not a gamble, it’s a sure thing Sherevport is up next,” he wrote. G-Unit’s growth advisor, Orville Hall says the three-phase plan will “help low to moderate income families get mortgages.”