Cardi B Speaks Out After Winning Libel Suit Against Tasha K

Rapper Cardi B (Belcalis Marlenis Almanzar) arrives at Queens Criminal Court on December 10
(Photo by David Dee Delgado/Getty Images)

Cardi B. has a lot to celebrate after winning her lawsuit. 

Yesterday (January 24), she was awarded $1.2 million from the blogger Tasha K. Cardi spoke out and thanked the jury. “Thank you guys for keeping me strong,” Cardi said. Take a look:

Cardi claimed a few years ago, Tasha alleged inappropriate comments about Cardi. In 2019, Cardi told the blogger to remove her damaging posts, but Tasha refused. 

As a result, Cardi sued Tasha and won. Tasha was found liable on three separate claims. In addition to paying Cardi $1.25 million in general damages, Tasha also has to pay $250k for medical expenses plus any potential punitive damages. Tasha said she’d make a statement tomorrow (Jan. 26). We’ll keep you updated.