Eric Garners Daughter Declared Brain Dead After Suffering a Heart Attack!

Erica Gardner
Photo Credit: Andrew Burton – Getty images

The daughter of police chokehold victim Eric Garner suffered a fatal heart attack days ago and has been declared brain dead this morning. 

According to reports the heart attack was triggered after an asthma attack, which put Garner into a coma since Saturday.

27 year-old Erica Garner’s family was called to visit Woodhull Hospital in Brooklyn to say their final goodbyes as doctors say there is no chance of recovery for the young girl.

Garner’s mother Esaw Snipes made a statement saying: “She’s not gone; she’s brain dead, physically she is still with us.”

After the death of Erica’s father, she became an active advocate against police brutality.

Sending prayers to her and the Garner family.