‘Friday’ Star Anthony ‘A.J.’ Johnson Cause Of Death Revealed

Photo credit - IMBD

Prayers up!

Anthony ‘AJ’ Johnson’s cause of death has been revealed.

According to reports, Johnson, who was best known for his role as Ezal in the 1995 classic Friday, reportedly died from a lifetime of drinking. He reportedly found lifeless in a Los Angeles store last September at the age of 55.

The medical examiner’s report determined that Johnson’s had chronic ethanol use in his body, although the original autopsy report revealed that the actor did not have alcohol or recreational drug abuse in his system. It did show that he had tested positive for COVID, ultimately ruling his death as natural.

Lexis Mason, Johnson’s widow, has been very vocal about the financial burden she has endured while preparing for his funeral. She is currently planning to start a foundation in hopes of helping and informing people of the impact of long-term alcohol use and its life expectancy.

May he continue to rest in peacefully.