Mom Of Angus Cloud Says Her Son Didn’t Intend To End His Life 

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We continue to mourn the tragic loss of Angus Cloud.

Euphoria star, Cloud, 25, passed away last week at his family’s home in Oakland, California. A cause of death hasn’t been revealed, but Cloud was struggling mentally over the recent loss of his father. 

Around the time of his passing, it was reported Cloud’s mom, Lisa Cloud, made a 9-1-1 call regarding a possible overdose. In the latest report, Cloud’s mom is making it clear that her son didn’t intend to take his life. ABC reports, in part, Mrs.Cloud said:

“Friends, I want you all to know I appreciate your love for my family at this shattered time. I also want you to know that although my son was in deep grief about his father’s untimely death from mesothelioma, his last day was a joyful one.” She later spoke on their last conversation and wrote, 

“He did not intend to end his life. When we hugged goodnight we said how much we loved each other and he said he would see me in the morning. I don’t know if or what he may have put in his body after that. I only know that he put his head on the desk where he was working on art projects, fell asleep, and didn’t wake up.” Mrs. Cloud then spoke about the possibility of her son passing away from an accidental overdose. 

“We may find out that he overdosed accidentally and tragically, but it’s abundantly clear that he did not intend to check out of this world.” She ended with, “his struggles were real. He gave and received so much love and support to and from his tribe. His work in euphoria became a lightning rod for his generation and opened up a conversation about compassion, loyalty, acceptance, and love.” Mrs. Cloud also asked if people can do random acts of kindness. 

In 2019, Cloud made his acting debut as drug dealer Fezco “Fez” O’Neill on the Award-winning HBO drama series, Euphoria starring alongside Zendaya. 

Our hearts and prayers are with the family and fans.