NYC Man Killed After White Man Went Around Town Targeting African Americans [VIDEO]

Photo Cred: Spencer Platt / Getty Images

28-year-old James Harris Jackson has now turned himself into the NYPD after stabbing and killing a 66-year-old man. Jackson admitted to being on a racially motivated killing spree, meaning he had every intention on killing African-American people. Upon turning himself in, he said to the police, “You need to arrest me. I have a knife in my coat.” Jackson was an Army veteran of the war in Afghanistan. He was also apart of a white nationalist hate group. NYPD Assistant Chief William Aubrey says,

“It is believed he was specifically intending to target male blacks. It’s been well over 10-years that he has been harboring his hate towards blacks. The reason why he chose New York because it is the media capital of the world and he wanted to make a statement.”

Jackson traveled from Maryland to NYC, where he would walk the streets during the day and sleep in Midtown at night. My question is why would you travel up the East coast to kill someone you hate and then end up spending the rest of your life behind bars for someone you hate? Makes no sense what so ever. So James Harris Jackson I hope you enjoy your life sentence and I hope you pray that African-American inmates don’t kick you’re a*s on a daily basis. DUMB ASS!

