Internet Reacts To Unbothered Security Guard’s Facial Expression As Kehlani Twerks In Front OF Him

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A security guard went viral for…doing his job? 

The Internet couldn’t hold back laughter after a video of Kehlani dancing with a male fan in front of a bouncer exploded on social media. In the footage, as Kehlani gets her groove on, the security is seen with a straight, serious face. 

The action is happening inches away from him. At one point, he steps back as things get a little intense. Take a look at the video: 

An online user in the comments wrote, “his job is to be serious, he ain’t pose to be distracted by anything.” Another person commented, “they be militant and disciplined, mentally and physically! This man is not impressed.” 

Someone else pointed out what dancing at a club with someone is like sometimes. They said, “it’s the awkward moment after you just freaked somebody up and down, but it really didn’t mean sh*t bc it was a vibe for the moment for me!” Another person wrote, “Khelani can pull both and I gotta respect her for that.”

Kehlani is living her best life!