Police Stopped By Wendy Williams House After Kevin Hunter Allegedly Poisoned Her

Wendy Williams on stage

photo credit: Paras Griffin /Getty Images

Uh-oh! Police visited Wendy Williams house in New Jersey after receiving an anonymous tip from someone who reportedly worked for Wendy Williams’ production company. The called was in reference to Kevin Hunter, who is Williams’ estranged husband, allegedly poisoning her. This happened back in January of 2018. The caller stated that Hunter was slipping something harmful to Williams. The caller also wanted authorities to check in on her.


According to police report, when officers arrived at the home of the two- Hunter greeted them at the door but became skeptical about letting them in. Once inside, police noticed Williams lying in bed, with the “blanket covering from neck to toe.”


When police questioned Williams about the allegations she denied them. When asked for a second time she denied again, but this time she became tearful, according to reports.


As we know, earlier this month Williams has filed for divorced. Kevin Hunter will no longer serve as executive producer for the Wendy Williams show, or as her manager.