Breaking News: El Chapo Gets Life In Prison + 30 Years

File photo taken on Feb. 22

Photo credit –  Xinhua/David de la Paz via Getty Images/GettyImages

Looks like the only way El Chapo is getting out of prison is if he escapes! 

The Mexican drug lord was sentenced to life in prison plus 30 years by a Brooklyn judge.

He was convicted for engaging in a criminal enterprise, conspiracy to launder narcotics proceeds, international distribution of cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and other drugs and use of firearms, reported on TMZ.

He’s also ordered to pay the government $12.6 billion as a result of the illegal money he made from drugs. 

The article also says El Chapo “reportedly looked stunned by the guilty verdict but managed to give his wife, Emma Coronel, a double thumbs-up before he was led out of the courtroom.”

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