Diddy’s Alleged Sexual Assault Victim Retained Potentially Crucial Evidence

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Diddy faces yet another legal battle this week as a Crystal McKinney accuses the mogul of drugging and assaulting her during Men’s Fashion Week over twenty years ago.

Key evidence potentially lies in McKinney’s possession: “saved unwashed clothing from that night in her closet where they remain in a plastic wrap,” as stated in court documents.

A model since the age of 17, in 1998, McKinney recounts meeting Diddy in 2003 during the event, where he allegedly made explicit advances. After dinner, they retired to his studio, where McKinney claims she unwittingly took a hit of a laced joint and was coerced into performing oral sex.

The aftermath, according to McKinney, involved her awakening in a cab, realizing she had been assaulted by the embattled Bad Boy entertainer, and subsequently facing professional repercussions, leading to a suicide attempt the following year.

In addition to taking aim at Diddy, the suit names Bad Boy Records, Sean John Clothing and Universal Music as defendants.

The filing follows Diddy’s release of a video apology, prompted by footage obtained by CNN that showed him involved in an altercation with his then-girlfriend, Cassie Ventura and subsequently made public.

“It’s so difficult to reflect on the darkest times in your life, but sometimes you gotta do that,” he began, before claiming he was not himself: “I mean I hit rock bottom. But I make no excuses.”

“My behavior on the video was inexcusable. I take full responsibility for my actions in that video,” he added. “I was disgusted then when I did it, I’m disgusted now. I went and sought professional help, had to go to therapy, rehab. Had to ask God for his mercy and grace. I’m so sorry. I’m committed to being a better man each and every day. I’m not asking for forgiveness. I’m truly sorry.”

In the March 2016 altercation, captured on a hotel security camera, a visibly shaken Cassie is seen hurriedly moving down a hallway toward an elevator. Diddy, wearing only a towel around his waist, runs after her. He forcefully grabs her by the hair, slams her to the ground, and proceeds to kick her repeatedly.

Cassie sued her ex last year, accusing him of rape, physical abuse, and human trafficking. The pair settled out of court for an undisclosed amount. They were together for 11 years, from 2007 until 2019.