Dozens Of Bodies Reportedly Found In U-Haul Trucks Outside Brooklyn Funeral Home

(Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

This is disturbing.

According to reports, Police found dozens of bodies being stored in unrefrigerated trucks outside a Brooklyn funeral home. A source told the The New York Post, “between 40 to 60 bodies were discovered either stacked up in U-Haul box trucks outside Andrew Cleckley Funeral Services in Flatlands or on the building’s floor, after neighbors reported a foul odor around the property.”

The funeral home reportedly told police officers that the bodies were supposed to be going to a crematorium but weren’t picked up.

The owner of a nearby kitchen appliance supplier, called the situation a “disaster.”

“They were storing them in U-Haul trucks; we knew what was going on but not the extent,” the owner said. “One thing to be [killed] by the coronavirus, another to be treated inhumanly.”

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams was on the scene but couldn’t confirm anything. “We need to bring in funeral directors, morgues, [medical examiners], clergies … when you find bodies in trucks like this throughout our city, treating them in an undignified manner, that’s unacceptable,” he said.

Police sources mention that, aside from the the two U-Hauls holding corpses, the facility had two more refrigerated trucks also storing bodies and a third box truck of empty caskets.