Ex-NBA Player Joe Smith And His Wife Split After He Found Out She Had A Secret ‘OnlyFans’

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Ex-NBA player Joe Smith and his wife, Kisha Chavis, called it quits after Smith found out his she had a secret OnlyFans account.

A viral video shows the two in a heated argument after Smith found out his wife had been “disrespecting” him by using the adult entertainment platform. He was even more upset as Chavis was recording his reaction rather than focusing on what he was saying.

“I can’t believe I’m sitting here just finding out you got an OnlyFans page,” Smith said. “Out of all these years, the disrespect that comes with it. You could’ve talked to me before you did it… That’s bullsh*t. That’s f**ked up, Kish. I’m telling you, that’s f**ked up.”

She explains her side of things, “I have an OnlyFans page and he’s mad because he’s just now finding out about it,” she said. “I’m not doing it with anybody but myself. So why should I have to tell you? My body, my f**king choice,” she said, standing ten toes down. “Joe, I’ve been talking to you about mad things. I’ve been asking for solutions for sh*t, and you not giving me none, so I created one…You knew who the f**k I was before you met me.”

Following the viral video, Chavis sat down with TMZ, and revealed that they have called it quits after Smith found out about the OnlyFans. She does, however, make it clear that they had issues long before the OF situation.

She has hopes that they can work it out. “I don’t want to be alone, but you know, if that’s what it has to be, that’s what it has to be. But, I don’t think we’ll have a divorce, I don’t think so. I think he’ll come around,” she expresses.