Great Deed! 21 Savage Donated $25K To Help Immigrants In Detention Centers

21 Savage

Photo Credit: Neilson Barnard  – Getty Images


After 21 Savage’s tragic experience being detained and held by ICE in reference to his citizenship, the rapper wants to lend a helping hand to those in similar situations.


The British born artist donated $25,000 to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is built to help Immigrants in detention centers seek legal counsel.


21’s attorney Charles Knuck made a statement saying:  

21 Savage is making this donation public because everyday Americans need to know that ICE is using civil immigration detention as a weapon against immigrants, many of whom, like 21 Savage, have relief from deportation and are able to fix their immigration status.”



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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94 _____________________________________ #21Savage has definitely been known to give back to his community in a major way. This time he is giving back by donating to the Southern Poverty Law Center (#SPLC), the same non-profit civil rights organization that helped him with his battle against ICE. _____________________________________ According to @complex, 21 presented the organization with the $25,000 to help make sure that detained immigrants in the south are getting the legal help that they would need. SPLC has dedicated their time to “fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society.” _____________________________________ Charles H. Kuck, an immigration law attorney said, “21 Savage is making this donation public because everyday Americans need to know that ICE is using civil immigration detention as a weapon against immigrants, many of whom, like 21 Savage, have relief from deportation and are able to fix their immigration status. Kuck continued, “Creating oppressively—read more at (

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