Here’s Why ‘The Show Must Be Paused!’

Demonstrators carry placards with slogans as they march near the US Embassy in London on May 31
(Photo by DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS / AFP) (Photo by DANIEL LEAL-OLIVAS/AFP via Getty Images)

The tragic and brutal killing of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and countless amount of other Black people have sparked a national outrage. Over the past few days, hundreds of thousands of people and celebrities alike have taken to the streets to protest police brutality, systemic racism, and injustices.

For centuries, Black people have not been seen as equal in America. Those with Black and brown skin have been seen as “less than” by those in positions of power, and from here on out- it will no longer be tolerated or overlooked. The people are tired of watching Black men and women alike be senselessly killed at the hands of law enforcement, and white supremacist vigilantes as a result of racism.

Hot 97 and the music industry are standing in solidarity with people around the world who are protesting, signing petitions, donating to freedom funds and simply just…fed up. Therefore, the show MUST be paused.

“#TheShowMustBePaused is an initiative created by two Black women in music in observance of the long-standing racism and inequality that exists from the boardroom to the boulevard. We will not continue to conduct business as usual without regard for Black lives.

Tuesday, June 2nd is meant to intentionally disrupt the work week. Monday suggests a long weekend, and we can’t wait until Friday for change. It is a day to take a beat for an honest, reflective and productive conversation about what actions we need to collectively take to support the Black community.

The music industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. An industry that has profited predominantly from Black art. Our mission is to hold the industry at large, including major corporations & their partners who benefit from the efforts, struggles and successes of Black people accountable. To that end, it is the obligation of these entities to protect and empower the Black communities that have made them disproportionately wealthy in ways that are measurable and transparent.”

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