Kevin Hart Backs Out Of Oscars; Apologizes After Initially Refusing [VIDEO]

Kevin Hart at Build event

(Photo Credit: Roy Rochlin/Getty Images)

Kevin Hart has decided to step down from hosting the Oscars, one day before accepting the opportunity and telling the world that it was one of his dreams.

The decision came after old homophobic tweets surfaced online, causing tons of backlash from the LGBTQ community.

Initially Hart decided not to apologize, and instead pull out of the show altogether in an video on Instagram.

“My team calls me, ‘Oh my God, Kevin, everyone’s upset by tweets you did years ago,’” he said. “Guys, I’m nearly 40 years old. If you don’t believe that people change, grow, evolve as they get older, I don’t know what to tell you. If you want to hold people in a position where they always have to justify the past, do you. I’m the wrong guy, man.”

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Stop looking for reasons to be negative…Stop searching for reasons to be angry….I swear I wish you guys could see/feel/understand the mental place that I am in. I am truly happy people….there is nothing that you can do to change that…NOTHING. I work hard on a daily basis to spread positivity to all….with that being said. If u want to search my history or past and anger yourselves with what u find that is fine with me. I’m almost 40 years old and I’m in love with the man that I am becoming. You LIVE and YOU LEARN & YOU GROW & YOU MATURE. I live to Love….Please take your negative energy and put it into something constructive. Please….What’s understood should never have to be said. I LOVE EVERYBODY…..ONCE AGAIN EVERYBODY. If you choose to not believe me then that’s on you….Have a beautiful day

A post shared by Kevin Hart (@kevinhart4real) on

He then returned with another video, stating why he refused to apologize after given an altimatum by the academy.

“I chose to pass on the apology,” he said. “The reason why I passed is because I’ve addressed this several times. This is not the first time this has come up. I’ve addressed it. I’ve spoken on it. I’ve said where the rights and wrongs were. I’ve said who I am now versus who I was then. I’ve done it. I’m not going to continue to go back and tap into the days of old when I’ve moved on and I’m in a completely different place in my life.”

Hours later, the comedian then appeared on Twitter, and decided to apologize for words he said years ago.

Watch Ebro in the Morning’s comments on the story below.