Nicki Minaj Announces She Was “Being Sarcastic” About New Song With Adele

NIcki MInaj at the MTV VMAs

Photo Credit: Getty Images


In recent news, Nicki Minaj teased a hot new collaboration she claimed to have in the works with British singer Adele; however, it turns out that we’ll be waiting a bit longer for this joint record after all!


A few months ago when Adele put on for the culture when she rapped Nicki’s ‘Monster’ verse without taking any breaks; that viral video sparked the media to question the Queens rapper about a possible collab between the two which she replied “Yes and yes…But Adele made me swear to secrecy that im not allowed to tell anyone im working with her and we already shot a video and it’s an epic song.”


 After fans took Nicki’s words to heart, she later took to Twitter to clear up the false claim.  


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