Wendy Williams Basically Says Tyrese Likes Men After his Recent Comments on Women! [VIDEO]

Wendy Williams with shocked face in front of microphone

Photo Credit: Jemal Countess – Getty Images

Talk show host Wendy Williams doesn’t hold her tongue for anybody including “friend to the show” Tyrese.

As you know, the R&B singer has been in the blogs for commenting on weaves, plastic surgery, and women with “standards;” in his last interview he said: “Sluts, skeezers, hoes, tramps and overly aggressive promiscuous women, they are never without a man because they don’t have no standards. They ready to have sex with any and everything that want to have sex with them. But when you are single, and you actually love yourself, you know your value and your self worth you hold out until God sends you whats yours” and Wendy was not a fan. 

Although Tyrese recently got married, he seems to be extremely concerned with the single women of today’s generation. What do you think? 

Take a look at the clip of Wendy calling Tyrese out below: