Online Critics Are Not Embracing New MLK Jr. Sculpture, ‘The Embrace’

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On Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Jan 15th.), “The Embrace,” a bronze sculpture honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was unveiled at Boston Common. Created by artist Hank Willis Thomas, the sculpture symbolizes the hug Dr. King and Coretta Scott King shared after Dr. King won the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize.

Hank Willis Thomas shared that he wanted to craft a sculpture that spreads a message of love and reiterates the Kings’ message of nonviolence and solidarity. However, after The Embrace‘s unveiling, social media users had mixed feelings about it’s design.

Even Seneca Scott, cousin of Coretta Scott King shared his disapproval of the sculpture. He scornfully wrote in Compact Mag, that the new Boston landmark “looks more like a pair of hands hugging a beefy penis than a special moment shared by the iconic couple.”

Scott added, “ten million dollars were wasted to create a masturbatory metal homage to my legendary family members—one of the all-time greatest American families.”

He encouraged it to be ‘melted down’.

Yolanda Renee King, the only grandchild of the couple expressed positive sentiments regarding the sculpture. “I love this monument. I also see the love and strength and unity in these hands and how they symbolize a beautiful marriage and partnership.” She adds, “I know that I am not alone. There is a sense that we are all children and grandchildren of Martin and Coretta Scott King.”