Somebody’s Tight… Samsung Back to Taking Jabs at the New iPhone [VIDEO]

man using iPhone against Apple iPhone advertisement

Hahahahahahaha, It’s been a minute since Samsung been jabbing with the whole exploding situation, and Apple never said anything BTW. I guess when it’s time to go, it’s time to go you know, so they dropped this spot jabbing at the 10yr history iPhone has;

I really like Samsung, but I will say I’m not good with the tear someone/something down in order to look big. Also playing devils advocate, Android is usually ahead of Apple’s iOS when it comes to operating, But I also see that when iOS does do it, it works better for the consumer AND Android is the Operating system, which is from Google, if anything the Bloat ware Samsung puts on it actually hurts how Android works…. with all that said, whatever side of this fight you’re on, there’s an Argument to be said!!