BREAKING: Russell Simmons Steps Aside From Empire Following Sexual Harassment Claims

Russell Simmons attebds Fonkoze's 'Hot Night In Haiti' Los Angeles Event
(Photo Credit: Amy Graves/Getty Images)

Claims of sexual harassment and assault have been a big topic of conversation in the past month and have ruined the careers of many prominent figures lately.

One day after the firing of longtime Today Show anchor Matt Lauer, another major personality is forced to face allegations.

Russell Simmons reportedly has decided to step away from all of his companies due to another sexual harassment claim this time with screenwriter Jenny Lumet.

According to Deadline he wrote a statement with his decision to step down.

“I have been informed with great anguish of Jenny Lumet’s recollection about our night together in 1991. I know Jenny and her family and have seen her several times over the years since the evening she described. While her memory of that evening is very different from mine, it is now clear to me that her feelings of fear and intimidation are real. While I have never been violent, I have been thoughtless and insensitive in some of my relationships over many decades and I sincerely and humbly apologize.

This is a time of great transition. The voices of the voiceless, those who have been hurt or shamed, deserve and need to be heard. As the corridors of power inevitably make way for a new generation, I don’t want to be a distraction so I am removing myself from the businesses that I founded. The companies will now be run by a new and diverse generation of extraordinary executives who are moving the culture and consciousness forward. I will convert the studio for yogic science into a not-for-profit center of learning and healing. As for me, I will step aside and commit myself to continuing my personal growth, spiritual learning and above all to listening.

Russell Simmons

The comments are following Lumet’s open letter to Simmons recalling the encounter between the two in 1991.

Via Hollywood Reporter:

There was no well-lit lobby or doorman at the entrance we used. I would guess it was not the main entrance to the building. I believe there was a door from street level that opened into a space beneath the residential area of the building, in which there was a small, back elevator.  If I am wrong about the layout, then I am wrong. There were two men, and I was afraid.

You didn’t punch me, drag me or verbally threaten me.  You used your size to maneuver me, quickly, into the elevator. I said “Wait. Wait.”  I felt dread.  I was very, very sad.  I didn’t know if the driver was a further threat, or an ally. I was both relieved and terrified when he did not get into the elevator. Alone in the elevator, you pressed me into the corner with your body, your hands and your mouth.

The elevator did not stop on the way up to your apartment. I was moved very quickly inside. I recall hearing the apartment door closing behind us.

I saw no one else. I recall you were behind me. I was still hoping the Russell I knew would reappear, as I could not recognize the man moving me deeper into the apartment — the man who had said “No” to his driver. Twice.

You moved me into a bedroom. I said “Wait.” You said nothing.

I made the trade in my mind. I thought “just keep him calm and you’ll get home.” Maybe another person would have thought differently, or not made the trade.

  It was dark, but not pitch dark. You closed the door.

At that point, I simply did what I was told.

There was penetration. At one point you were only semi-erect and appeared frustrated. Angry? I remember being afraid that you would deem that my fault and become violent. I did not know if you were angry, but I was afraid that you were.

You can read her full recollection here.

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