Peloton Drops Diddy’s Music Following Release Of Cassie Assault Footage

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Peloton announces split with Sean “Diddy” Combs amid accusations and investigation.

According to CNN, shortly after a video surfaced allegedly showing the Bad Boy mogul assaulting his ex-girlfriend Casandra “Cassie” Ventura at a Los Angeles hotel in 2016, a member of a private Peloton Facebook group made a suggestion.

“Dear Peloton, Your next purge needs to be all Diddy classes. Signed, women everywhere,” the message reads.

Responding to the user via its official Facebook profile, the company addressed the request from a group of nearly 500,000 users.

“Thank you for sharing your concerns,” wrote Peloton. “We take this issue very seriously and can confirm Peloton has paused the use of Sean Combs’ music, as well as removed the Bad Boy Entertainment Artist Series, on our platform.” 

However, it’s important to note that the company did not acknowledge whether older classes featuring Diddy tracks will remain in the rotation.

The news comes after yet another lawsuit was filed against Combs, with Crystal McKinney accusing the entertainer of drugging and assaulting her during Men’s Fashion Week over twenty years ago.

A model since the age of 17, in 1998, McKinney recounts meeting Diddy in 2003 during the event, where he allegedly made explicit advances. After dinner, they retired to his studio, where McKinney claims she unwittingly took a hit of a laced joint and was coerced into performing oral sex.

The aftermath, according to McKinney, involved her awakening in a cab, realizing she had been assaulted by Combs, and subsequently facing professional repercussions, leading to a suicide attempt the following year.

In addition to taking aim at Diddy, the suit names Bad Boy Records, Sean John Clothing and Universal Music as defendants.

“It’s so difficult to reflect on the darkest times in your life, but sometimes you gotta do that,” said Diddy in a video apology in response to the footage. “I mean I hit rock bottom. But I make no excuses.”