Driver Zaddy: Uber Driver Gets a Little Too Cozy With Woman While On a Job; Plus More [VIDEO]

Man singing

(Photo Cred: C Flanigan/Getty Images)

I mean I’m not mad at him BUT that doesn’t mean it is appropriate behavior, really it wasn’t him, it was the young lady with him that couldn’t get enough, he tried to tell her to chill;

Now they are saying he got top, but the video cuts off before that. I assume the passenger was the drivers last, and he was about to hit the crib…. to tear that up, sorry, ‘locker room talk’ !!!

While we’re here, I have 2 more pieces that have to do with Sex and are kinda funny like this Uber Driver;

Now this is in another country but this how they do it there??

Then for the funniest part, This horse, once he FINALLY got his, and he dead fell out once he did;

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