Neo Nazi Activist From Charlottesville Crying After Learning Of Arrest Warrant [VIDEO]

Clown with thumb down during performance on the final day of the Ringling Bros Barnum and Bailey Circus on May 21

(Photo Cred: Bruce Bennett / Staff )

These ‘new’ neo Nazi/White Supremacist kill me, living in their glass houses casting all types of stones… FOH B!! So this guy, interviewed by well known as a neo-nazi, video at bottom), is now upset he followed the rules’ of a protest, and now, after a ton of violence from said protest, is upset the authorities ‘might be looking for him’, and he’s scared the police are going to kill him…. welcome to the other side you scared piece of sh*t;

‘Who’s Streets, Are Streets’… ‘every single case is some little black kid acting like a savage’….. Ok;