Ye Previews Rare 1.2 Million Yeezy Cyber Truck

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Ye prides himself on being an innovator. A recent social media post stirred up controversy by spreading misinformation about the origin of a futuristic Cybertruck, wrongly attributing it to Ye’s Yeezy brand. 

Fans quickly engaged in the discussion, offering various comparisons to tech gadgets and expressing criticism of the vehicle’s design. Comments flooded in, with one individual remarking, “Looks like a Sony Blu-ray player,” while another questioned, “Why is it so wobbly?” 

However, a clarification soon followed, indicating that the truck was not associated with Ye’s Yeezy brand or Elon Musk’s Tesla. Instead, it was identified as the Lo-Res Car, a promotional vehicle auctioned by the footwear company United Nude on October 15, 2021, fetching $111,111.

This shiny black triangular vehicle was inspired by an abstract, low-resolution interpretation of the Lamborghini Countach. Its distinctive angled shape is achieved through 12 tinted, clear polycarbonate panels arranged on the body, supported by a steel-tube frame and powered by a 5-kilowatt electric motor. 

Only four units of this promotional car were ever produced, yet somehow, a video portraying it as a Yeezy product circulated on social media after a delay of three years. As of now, Ye has not announced any intentions to venture into the automotive industry.

However, his recent business endeavors have taken an unexpected turn with the upcoming launch of his Yeezy Porn imprint. This shift reportedly led to the departure of the company’s chief of staff, who publicly shared their resignation letter following Ye’s decision to enter the adult entertainment industry.